0117 9649433 enquiries@JFES.co.uk

Portable Appliance Testing

JF Electrical Services are fully qualified portable appliance testing (PAT) inspectors and using the best industry standard equipment they can ensure that your appliances are as safe as possible. 

Experienced Portable Appliance testing

Providing Electrical Services Since 1988

JFES (04) - Electrical Engineering
JFES (17) - Portable Appliance Testing

All testing is carried out in accordance with The Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE) code of practice, with full public liability insurance.

All PAT testing equipment is calibrated on a regular basis to ensure that you are be provided with the most accurate test results possible. Your appliances and leads will be tested for a variety of faults, and given a pass or fail sticker as appropriate. A certificate of PAT testing and PAT test schedule is provided for your business showing the results of all tests.

Full Service, Quality
Portable Appliance Testing

JF Electrical Services will effect minor repairs at the time of testing (eg a damaged plug) in order that the equipment is safe to use and can be passed. Testing, inspections and installations – for fixed appliances include:

  • Lighting
  • Electrical installations
  • Additions to existing installations
  • Installation design
  • Retail maintenance
  • Contract work

JF Electrical Services can also carry out the testing of all the fixed wiring and appliances within your premises, in the form of a Periodic Inspection Report, needed by commercial properties every five years.


Don’t just take our word for it …

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Head Office Address

The Old Engine House


07831 705123

